Instructor Responsibilities


21st Century Program begins in September and run through May.

Instructors are expected to provide  lesson plans on a weekly basis. If you need assistance in completing your plans please seek the advice of the 21st Century Coordinators. Be sure to include Arizona state standards and ELP standards- if servicing ELD students.

Accurate attendance records are a very important part of 21st CCLC grant. Our effectiveness as learning program is measured partly by how many students attend regularly. Consequently each instructor will be provided with a roster of students to record attendance. Attendance should be turned in DAILY and will be monitored by the 21st Century Coordinators.

As part of the evaluation process, the 21st CCLC grant is interested in finding out to what degree our students are being affected by the academic and opportunities offered at the site. Each instructor will be responsible for administering and tracking data gathered from relevant assessments (district benchmarks and other)  that are part of the curriculum to evaluate what the students have gained through their course.

A variety of classroom management techniques are vital skills needed to effective extend learning through the 21st Century program.  Instructors are expected to help students develop positive classroom behaviors conducive to the learning process through class rules and procedures that are implemented on a consistent basis.

Participation in 21st CCLC is a privilege. Consequently if a student is disrupting the class to the extent that it affects the learning of other students, disciplinary actions will be taken by the school principal and 21st Century Coordinator. If multiple disruptions occur the student may have to meet with administrators and possibly with parents, to discuss their continued participation. Do your best to be proactive and communicate discipline issues to the 21st Century Coordinator so that they may subsequently relay that information to the parents. Always call on the 21st Century Coordinator to assist you in dealing with severe discipline issues.

• In the classroom each student should automatically get started on the lesson to be taught for the day.
• Rules-same rules apply to 21st CCLC as during the regular school year.
• Students will be instructed on all expectations, including class preparedness and behavior.

• Same call phone policy is to be followed as school day.
• Give family and friends the school number so that they can contact you in the event of an emergency.
• Phone calls can be made before or after class unless prior authorization has been given.

• It is your responsibility to ensure Safety and Accountability
• It is imperative that we account for all the children participating in our program at all times